Innovative Ideas: Finding Inspiration for Your Next Big Venture

Jul 5, 2024

Innovation is at the heart of entrepreneurship. It is that spark that lights radical ideas, sets businesses forward, and disrupts stale industries. In PwC's recent study, Unleashing the Power of Innovation, three-quarters (74%) of CEOs regard innovation as equally important to the success of their company as operational effectiveness, if not more. This article positions you on a roadmap to fly through innovative thinking, arming you with tools and strategies to unearth your next big venture.

Source - PwC

Understanding Innovation

Innovation is a lot more than just a "great idea." That can be creating products or services that are completely new or taking existing ones and improving on them in meaningful ways. Some examples include:

  1. David Paratore, President and CEO at The NanoSteel Company, Inc., a business that develops and sells nanotechnology-based steel alloys, says: “We believe, as a company, that if we are going to be successful it will primarily be driven by innovation and not just doing things cheaper or faster than anybody else.” 

  2. Martin Ertl, Chief Innovation Officer of Bombardier Transportation, a rail equipment manufacturer, outlines an effective governance model that works in his organization. The innovation strategy at Bombardier is developed with clear direction from the Group, he explains but devolved down to individual divisions to interpret and execute. “The company is divided into six divisions and the Group, which is responsible for the governance,” he says. “Strategy and focus fields are developed by the Group and harmonized with the divisions. Every division has an innovation manager who has the freedom to be innovative but who also has to make sure the goals defined by the Group are reached.”

  3. H. C. Barke, President and CEO of Prudence Insurance Brokers LLC and Prudential Insurance Brokers & Consultancy JLT, a Dubai financial services firm, believes that developing an innovative culture doesn’t happen by chance, it is something that has to be worked at. “It is important to build up an ‘innovation fitness’,” he argues, “it is just like going to the gym: for it to be effective you have to dedicate 40 minutes of your day, every day, to improving your innovation efforts and creating the right culture. If you want it to happen, it can’t be optional, it has to be compulsory.

  4. According to one CEO of an oil & gas business, it is important to bring fresh perspectives into the talent pool. “We are considering breakthrough and radical innovations, such as what our retail sites will look like in 20 years’ time,” he says. “We are asking ourselves all kinds of questions about the types of customers, products, and services that should be on offer. This may lead to a totally different business model. In order to progress into the unknown, we need people who are more transformational in their thinking, with backgrounds outside the industry, and who are not intent on maintaining the status quo.”

  5. At Zurich Life, a global financial services business with more than 60,000 employees, small groups of employees are tasked with finding innovative solutions to problems. “These working groups are usually formed of a mix of high-talent individuals from different countries,” says Paul Kenmir. “They have a relatively short space of time - nothing more than six months - and no particular allocation of budget or time. What they come up with gets presented back to senior management. We don’t lift them out of the marketplace, we don’t even lift them out of their day jobs.” Has this approach been successful? “Innovating in this way offers personal development for the individuals involved as well as the opportunity for the company to solve problems in new ways. The other reason we do this,” says Kenmir, “is to create truly global networks; in an organization of our size, it is difficult for people to know which colleagues people should connect with to solve particular problems.”

A 2023 McKinsey & Company Report found that companies that prioritize innovation are outpacing their competitors in terms of revenue growth, profitability, and market share. Here's how innovation benefits businesses:

Sources of Inspiration

The world that is around you is a storehouse of inspiration for new ideas to emerge. Some important sources that can be tapped are as under:

Source - PwC

A. Observing Market Trends and Consumer Behavior:

The market is a treasure trove of insights waiting to be unearthed. Companies like Airbnb and Uber identified unmet needs in the hospitality and transportation sectors, respectively, and revolutionized those industries. Here's how to become a keen observer of market trends:

  • Stay informed: Subscribe to industry publications, attend trade shows, and network with other professionals in your field. This will keep you up-to-date on the latest trends and challenges.

  • Track social media conversations: What are people complaining about online? What are they excited about? Social media listening tools can help you identify emerging trends and consumer sentiment. A 2022 Sprout Social study revealed that 83% of consumers expect brands to be present on social media and to respond to their inquiries and feedback. By actively listening to your target audience on social media, you can glean valuable insights into their needs and preferences.

  • Analyze customer feedback: Use surveys, polls, and focus groups to understand your target audience's needs and pain points. This direct feedback can be a goldmine for innovation.

B. Brainstorming Sessions and Idea Generation Techniques:

Brainstorming is one of the effective ways to bring out the creative juices and generate numerous innovative ideas.

Diversity is everything: Have a brainstorming team made up of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and skill sets. This only means that diversity of thought will engineer a wide scope of ideas and perspectives. A report released in 2021 by Deloitte proved that companies with a diverse pool of employees are innovative and exhibit better financial performance.

Brainstorming Techniques to Innovate 

Below are some effective brainstorming techniques:

  • Brainwriting: This is based on anonymous techniques whereby a memorandum is passed down the line of participants, each writing an idea, then passing it to the next, who adds theirs, and so on. Since this is anonymous, it may lead to the generation of the boldest and most outrageous ideas.

  • SCAMPER: This stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to other uses, Eliminate, Reverse. Participants are most often asked to think of various ways in which an idea or product could be modified or used for some other purpose altogether.

  • Mind Mapping: A graphic display of a central subject with related topics and subtopics. It assists in organizing thoughts as well as identifying the relationship between them, thus stimulating more creativity.

C. Learn from Other Industries and Businesses

Cross-industry inspiration can be a very strong fuel of innovation. Here is how you can steal from what others are up to:

Case studies: See how the innovative companies operate for themselves— those outside of the industry— and how they manage to innovate. How did they perceive the opportunity? What strategies did they employ? Can you adapt their mode to your own?

For instance, a subscription razor company like Dollar Shave Club can disrupt the traditional market for razors using low prices and appealing quality. With an innovative approach similar to models from other industries, this relative newcomer's ingenuity shook the domination of the big brands.

Applying learnings: Think of how a retail store's customized customer service approach would be applicable in enhancing B2B engagements. Perhaps customer relationship management (CRM) software could be implemented to personalize communication and interactions with business clients.

Use New Technologies:

Technology has the potential to supplement and support new ideas. Below are some existing and emerging technologies that offer great potential.

  1. Artificial intelligence can be applied to personalizing the customer experience, automating tasks, and optimizing processes. For example, AI-backed chatbots make it possible to render 24/7 customer support, analyze customer data to recommend products, and make personalized marketing campaigns.

  2. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): VR can provide the basis for highly realistic employee training programs or open virtual showrooms for customers to review products; AR can emulate product demonstrations or provide step-by-step instructions for assembly or servicing. Look past the technology. Imagine how it could solve problems or streamline existing processes.

Example: AI could be used to analyze patient information in a healthcare company to predict the risk factors of possible diseases, such that preventive care can be taken to improve the quality of life for patients.

Integrating technology: First, identify the pain point of your business. Then, think about technologies relevant to those areas and how they may be applied. Maybe use HR software that's AI-powered to source some efficiencies in the onboarding process for new hires.

D.Tapping Creativity Within:

Creativity fuels innovation. Familiarize yourself with these tips to let your inner creative genius out: Exposure to novelty. Step out of your routine and expose yourself to new experiences, such as taking a class on a subject that is totally new to you, hitting a new place, or events beyond your interests.

Push your boundaries and challenge yourself with new experiences, uses of unknown tools, or methods. At the very least, it will help you start looking at things from a different angle of view; at the very best, a lot of uncanny ideas will be popping up constantly.

Importance of a Supportive Company Culture

A culture that fosters creativity is essential for sustained innovation. Here are some key characteristics to cultivate:

  • Open communication: Encourage open dialogue where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas, even seemingly outlandish ones. This fosters a safe space for experimentation and risk-taking.

  • Recognition and rewards: Celebrate innovative thinking, both big and small. This reinforces the value of creativity and motivates employees to continue generating new ideas. A study by Gallup found that employees who feel recognized for their contributions are more engaged and productive.

  • Psychological safety: Employees should feel safe to experiment and make mistakes without fear of punishment. A psychologically safe environment encourages open communication and allows for learning from failures.

Creating a Culture of Innovation:

Here are some actionable steps you can take to create a culture that fosters innovation:

  • Empower your employees: Give them ownership over projects and decision-making processes. This fosters a sense of responsibility and encourages them to take the initiative in finding innovative solutions.

  • Invest in learning and development: Provide resources and opportunities for employees to enhance their skills and knowledge. This could include workshops, conferences, or online courses on topics related to innovation and creativity.

  • Celebrate diversity: Diversity of thought is critical to generating innovative solutions. Hire individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences, and encourage open communication and collaboration across different teams.

Breaking Barriers to Creative Thinking

There are barriers that can prevent creativity and innovation. Here's how to get around those barriers:

  • Fear of failure: Imagine this feeling of failure as something that brings one closer to success, and not the end. This implies having a growth mindset, knowing that part of innovation is experimentation and iteration. According to a study by Stanford University, when students were encouraged to view mistakes as learning opportunities, they ended up performing better than their peers who were afraid of failure.

  • Resistance to change: Indeed, change can be very disruptive, but it's also necessary for growth. Welcome the change as a chance to discover new possibilities and enhance your business enterprise. Foster the ability to adapt and learn in your organization.

  • Not having resources: Be resourceful. Too often, innovative solutions are about using your current resources in new ways. Partner with another department or organization to share their resources and expertise.

It is important that, in view of transcending these barriers, there be continuous learning and adaption. Keep up-to-date with new trends, technologies, and business models. Read publications of various industries, attend conferences, network with other professionals, and convey to somebody the same for your team. Foster a culture of lifelong learning, which shall encourage innovation.

Source - PwC


Apply the strategies and techniques described in this article and realize your innovation potential, turn your next great idea into a real business, and make it big and profitable.

Recap on Importance: Essentially, innovation is not just a process of doing something new per se; it discovers opportunities for doing something better and adding value. Innovation is one of the critical tenets in the success of entrepreneurship, thus it is a basic source of modern market differentiation.

Start your innovation journey today: What are the unmet needs in your industry? What issues can you solve by employing emerging technologies? Find out, ideate, and just do it. The world of innovation welcomes any unique perspective and a creative spark from your end.

We at WeLaunch can help you turn those innovative ideas into a brand. Our mission is to help your brand establish a strong market presence and achieve rapid growth.

Book a demo today! 

Note: All the case studies have been taken from the report by PwC.