Unconventional Strategies to Grab Your First 100 Customers

May 29, 2024


The initial stage of any business is crucial, as acquiring your first 100 customers sets the pace for future growth and success. In today’s competitive market, traditional marketing strategies might not suffice, making it essential to think outside the box. This article explores unconventional strategies that can help you capture the attention of your first 100 customers, providing a solid foundation for your business.

Why Unconventional Strategies?

In saturated markets, startups often struggle to gain visibility using conventional marketing tactics due to high competition and limited budgets. Unconventional strategies enable businesses to cut through the noise, creating memorable experiences that attract and retain customers. These methods are not only cost-effective but can also lead to viral marketing success, crucial for a fledgling business’s growth.

Use Niche Social Platforms

Rather than competing for attention on mainstream platforms like Facebook or Instagram, consider tapping into niche social platforms. For instance:

  • Reddit: Engage in specific subreddits related to your business to interact directly with potential customers.

  • Twitch: If your product has any relation to gaming or live demonstrations, use Twitch to showcase it in action.

  • Clubhouse: Participate in discussions in your industry to raise awareness about your brand.

These platforms offer less competition and a highly engaged audience, making them perfect for a targeted approach.

Gamification of User Engagement

Gamification involves incorporating game mechanics into non-game environments to enhance user engagement. For example:

  • Challenges and Rewards: Create a challenge related to your product or service and offer rewards for participation.

  • Leaderboards: Encourage competition by showcasing top customers or those who engage the most with your brand.

These strategies encourage not only initial interaction but also repeated engagement, turning new users into loyal customers.

Utilize Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing is about using unconventional interactions to engage with the public and generate buzz. Examples include:

  • Interactive Installations: Place interactive ads or art installations in high-traffic areas.

  • Flash Mobs: Organize a flash mob to draw attention to your brand in a fun and memorable way.

This form of marketing creates a unique experience for potential customers, making your brand memorable.

Partnership with Other Startups

Collaborate with other startups to reach a wider audience. This can be through:

  • Co-hosted Events: Partner with startups in complementary sectors to host events, blending your customer bases.

  • Bundled Offers: Combine your products or services with another company to offer exclusive package deals.

These partnerships can double your visibility and provide access to an already engaged audience.

Securing a Strong Market Entry

Adopting unconventional strategies for acquiring your first 100 customers is more than a tactic; it's a strategic approach that can define the trajectory of your business. According to a 2022 survey by HubSpot, unconventional marketing tactics have helped 74% of companies attract customers at a lower cost than traditional methods. Moreover, gamification has been shown to boost engagement by up to 30%, making it an invaluable tool for startups looking to establish a strong customer base.

Use Cases:

  • Dollar Shave Club famously used guerrilla marketing and a viral video to grab attention, resulting in over 12,000 sign-ups in just two days.

  • Dropbox offered extra storage space for both referrer and referee, using gamification elements that helped them increase their user base by 60% in 10 months without traditional advertising.

These examples demonstrate that unconventional strategies not only attract customers but do so in a way that can drastically lower customer acquisition costs and boost long-term engagement. 


Getting your first 100 customers can feel like an uphill battle, but with a bit of creativity and some unconventional strategies, it's absolutely achievable. By diving into niche social platforms, adding a touch of gamification to engage your users, trying out some guerrilla marketing stunts, and teaming up with other startups, you can stand out in a crowded market.

These approaches aren't just cost-effective; they're fun, engaging, and memorable. They help you connect with your audience on a deeper level, turning curious prospects into loyal customers.

So, are you ready to get started? Our team at WeLaunch is here to help you put these strategies into action and reach that crucial first milestone. Book a demo with us today, and let's get those first 100 customers on board together!